Our Services include the following:
- Multiple Channels Marketing (Web, SMS, e-Mail, Print)
- Event Planning and Management
- Scoping and Requirements Analyses
- Strategy Development
- Proposal Development
- Data Mining & Customer Intelligence Services
- Customer Service Excellence Programmes
- Customer Satisfaction Surveys
- Sales Enablement Programme
- Integrated Marketing Campaign Management
- Business Process Innovation
- Campaign Brief Development
- Creative Development
- Diagnostic Telemarketing
- Project Planning and Project Management
- Focus Group Facilitation
Direct Marketing
Multiple Channels Marketing
Multiple channels marketing is a growing opportunity to help organizations to be more effective in their targeting of the marketing programmes to improve ROI. Due to the fragmented media landscape, this is a more efficient way to cut through the clutter to reach your targeted audience to solicit a better response and increased conversion rates once the right strategy, offer, message and timing is delivered. Tracking is included in the strategy to measure the ROI and to allow the improvement of the results once the programme is underway.
Customer Intelligence Analytics
Customer intelligence analytics provide organizations the ability to understand their customer segments better and this will provide insights to how better develop new strategies and campaigns to improve business results. The service delivers powerful post-mortem analyses on programmes run and is regarded as the indispensible tool in the strategy development for future direct marketing programmes as it helps to “sharpen the saw” for better audience selection and targeting.
Programme Management
Customer Service Excellence
Customer service is not to be taken for granted as it is important in maintaining customer loyalty and repeat transactions. It helps in raising brand value of the organisation since it is one of the most visible fronts in the interaction of your customers. Hence Customer Service Excellence programme allows us to provide you with recommendations, proposals and training to improve the areas of service to help drive results and brand equity.
Sales Enablement Programme
Sales Enablement Programme is to support your sales personnel, workflow processes that interacts with your customers at every touch point and to facilitate delivery of positive business results. So by equipping various sales tools, resources and kits, this can help better engage your prospects to improve conversion rates from any follow-up of lead generation programmes.
Strategic Development
Integrated Marketing Campaign Management
Integrated Marketing Campaigns are the best way of utilising your marketing dollars in the most effective way as it involves the use of various touch points to interact with your audience when the campaign is in progress. We develop strategies leveraging on the use of proven project management methodologies and cross-media personalisation technologies.
Business Process Innovation
For any organisation to be efficient in today’s business climate we must be nimble to react to such changes. Hence the Business Process Innovation programme allows for the understanding of your organisation’s business goals and to develop process innovation to improve the efficiency, capitalising and harnessing on your strengths of your organisation while looking at processes that can be transformed to produce better results and performance.
Solutions Methodology
Ever wondered how we get close to our customers and better understand them?
There are lots of noise in the market place, so, which rhythm soothes your customers’ ears? Do you know your customers well enough to get the desired results or outcome?
At Accelerate Profits, we are in the business to assist our valued clients in achieving higher ROI. With the effective delivery of customer-focused strategic programmes and efficient use of technology-driven solutions supported by proven methodologies and processes, we help you to excel.
At Accelerate Profits, we present different needs to different individuals by listening to what they really need. While information overload is a problem, presenting what is relevant and of interest to people motivates the necessity to take action. This creates a positive action that propels stronger bonds with brands and customers.
Industries that we work with:
- Education
- Retail, High Fashion, Beauty & Cosmeceutical
- Hospitality
- Hi-Tech/Telco
- Healthcare
- Travel